
Showing posts from October, 2022

5 Keys to a Winning Website Content Strategy

 5 Keys to a Winning Website Content Strategy   Internet Marketing,Website Design Getting qualified visitors to your website is like the holy grail of online marketing. And once they are there you want to keep them there. Having content that is relevant, engaging and compelling is key to keeping visitors on your website. But how do you do that? Here are five ways to crafting attention-grabbing content your visitors can't resist. 1. Less is More On your home page, visitors want to know immediately who you are, what you do, how you help them, and why they  should choose you. Choosing the right words for this really matters. You want emotionally engaging text and images that are benefit rich, command attention, stirs curiosity, and leads them to action. Craft powerful headlines. Write in short sentences. Keep it simple. Professional copywriters can help you express your message in a powerful way so your visitors will immediately know they are in the right place. 2. Keyword Rich Write

5 Service-Based Businesses That Really Benefit from Local SEO

 5 Service-Based Businesses That Really Benefit from Local SEO   Internet Marketing,Website Promotion,Business Does your service-based business serve a specific local-based geographic area? If so, your success depends greatly on attracting local traffic. Local SEO can be a great way to reach customers. While virtually any business can benefit from SEO, keep reading to discover five fields where this strategy can really pay off to reap great business rewards. 1. Medical and Dental Clinics Love Local SEO You can see a big jump in search engine rankings by targeting local keywords around health or wellness. Think about what you look for when you need a new doctor or emergency dentist: you’re probably going to search your city plus “family doctor” or “emergency dentist.” However, you also need to target long-tail keywords on your website like “doctor’s office open Saturdays Vancouver” to reach more potential clients. 2. The Hyper-Targeted Hospitality Business Own a restaurant, bar or hotel